
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

My favorite Singer/Songwriter

My favorite singer is . . . ¡surprise!: Taylor Swift

To start, I have to say that Taylor’s first music style was Country. But then she started to evolve in different styles of music so now she is doing more of a Pop/electropop kind of music, which I don’t like so much but I love her writing anyways so it's ok.

Taylor started playing guitar and writing her own songs from a really young age, but her first big break was with her song ‘Love Story’ in 2008. From that moment she only got bigger in time.

Her famous songs, I would say, are the ones that everyone hears on radio. Starting from “You Belong With Me" or “Love Story” to “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”, “22” and “I Knew You Were Trouble”. Personally I don’t like those songs so much, I mean, I like them but I fell in love with her music because of other songs she had written that most of the people don’t know.

There are many reasons why I love this musician, but the main one is because of her writing. She, unlike many other musicians, writes the music she plays, herself and it’s constantly telling stories through her unique way to describe situations she has lived and what her feelings felt like in that exact moment. When I listen one of this songs I can imagine perfectly what she lived even though I wasn't there at all.
I also learned how to play guitar with her songs, I practiced with every one of them, every day and I've became so much better at it so that’s one more reason to love her, right?

I listen to her songs, basically, at all times. If I'm feeling sad, I listen to one of her songs and for sure she will have one that will make me feel understood, also if I’m feeling happy or whatever.

I think the song I’m about to link next describes everything I just said. It’s called ‘All Too Well’, here it goes.

That's all . . . For now :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

My library of the future

To start describing what my future library would look and be like I want to star defining what it’s my concept of a good and nice library. To me a library is a place where you can sit and relax, like in a peaceful environment, and enjoy your thoughts, read, check your email, whatever. But the key concept is the silence that you can experience putting aside all the acoustic contamination out there. So that’s the atmosphere I would like to promote in my future library, a library that’s very calmed and where you can be serene for a while.

This library it will be located in the very center of Santiago (where there’s a lot of noise preferably) so it can be like an escape of all that stress for people there. The main physical characteristic that this library will have are it’s noise insulating walls. Also it will have many windows so the place can be well lit (the windows are also soundproof) and a lot of plants and bonsais for people to breath fresh air for a moment putting aside all the smog out there (you know cause plants can actually do that). There will be one big area for people to chill in but also some divisions if people want some privacy to do their stuff.

In terms of technology equipment, the library will have devices for its users to use freely around the area and also they can connect their own devices to the wifi connection. And in terms of the material included there will be a variety of books and magazines you can found there, focused primarily in the area of Social Sciences but also a lot of other topics like hard sciences, cooking, and self-help. The library hours will be Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm, and weekends from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

My idea of a future library is not so focused on technology advances because after all I have to have a job, right?

Thanks for reading,

That’s all . . For now :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The oddest movie I’ve watched

This was a hard one to choose because first I don’t watch too many movies and second every time I watch a movie, I’ll know around the first 5 minutes of it if I like it or not. So I haven’t watch too many odd movies.

The movie I’ve chosen it’s called The Wall. Wikipedia defines it as a 1989 British live-action/animated psychological horror musical film, so that kinda’ says something right? Haha. It was directed by Alan Parker and the animated scenes were directed by political cartoonist Gerald Scarfe. It’s based on the 1979 Pink Floyd album of the same name so the album has a huge influence on the movie and also the screenplay was written by former Pink Floyd vocalist and bassist Roger Waters.

The film centers around a confined rocker, named Floyd "Pink" Pinkerton, who after is driven into insanity by the death of his father and many depressive moments, constructs a metaphorical and sometimes physical wall to be protected from the world and emotional situations around him, but soon backfires and demands himself free.
I had to watch this movie in school for my music class and also I had to do an essay about it so I watched the whole thing. I remember thinking while I was seeing it: This is so weird. . What this means? And things like that. It had strong images and crazy cartoons dancing around so I didn’t know what was going on. Later when I made the essay. I had to analyze the movie and that gave me a new perspective of it. This movie (and the album itself) has a very strong critical message about society, about how education it’s built and how it brainwashes the kids in order to behave a certain way. That made me understand it and put the “weird” aside to get a better look of what the movie meant.

With that being said, I can say I liked the movie and its message a lot because I found it very wise and clever so it’s basically a magnum opus to me (the album “The Wall” also is). I defiantly recommend it.

P.S: I don’t recommend it for kids. It might be a little frightening.

Thanks for reading 

That’s all . . for now :)

Monday, August 31, 2015

My Autobiography

My name is Claudia Álvarez, I was born in 1996 on Santiago, Chile so right now I'm 19 years old and counting. I have a big sister and my parents split up a couple years ago. I get to see my dad very often and I live with my sister, my mom and my cat (who I love sooooo much).

I don't remember much as a child because we used to change houses a lot so I've never been one of those persons who have lived in the same place since they can remember. But it's not so bad because I've learned to adapt myself in different situations and I have memories in different places also I know how to move in the city by my self, so it's pretty good.

I went to the same school for 14 years and I usually got good grades but I've always been a low profile person,  I don't like to call for attention and I'm most of the times quiet. That doesn't mean I'm boring though, I tent to be very open with the people I know and I have the best time in my own ways.I've always liked music and singing, and my dad used to play guitar all the time so the guitar was always around (I remember as a child not knowing how to play guitar at all but "playing it" anyways haha.) I learnt to play guitar at school and for christmas my dad and grandma had me a classic guitar and so I was able to play every day at home and eventually I got better at it. I started learning songs and singing more and now It's a hobby of mine and I enjoy doing it so much.

Another important part of my life is my cat Vito Corleone, it's a 6 months old ginger cat. Because of the places that I've lived I never got to have ANY pet, not a cat, not a dog, nothing and I love them so much so now that I finally got a pet I give him all my love.

I'm currently studying Library Science and I think it's pretty great, I've learnt stuff, met friends and done a lot of new things in my time at the university so I'm enjoying it as much as I can.I'm still figuring out who I am and learning about my self cause I think you never stop discovering things about yourself but I like what I've found so far. As long as I keep trusting in my abilities I'll be ok.

That's all... for now :)